Reports on Utilization and Minimization of Bottles and Cans

Reports on Utilization and Minimization of Bottles and Cans

Date: April 12, 2023

Prepared by: SDG 12 Monitoring Team Members

  1. Dr. Olaniran Abiola F SDG Coordinator
  2. Dr. Okeniyi
  3. Dr, Adebiyi
  4. Engr. Dr. Taiwo A. E
  5. Mrs Iranloye Yetunde M.

Executive Summary

This report provides an overview of the utilization and minimization of bottles and cans at Landmark University, with a focus on assessing current practices, challenges, and progress in reducing disposable beverage containers on campus. The Monitoring Team conducted observations, interviews, and data analysis to generate this report.

In order to enhance sustainability, Landmark University has acknowledged the significance of reducing disposable materials. Using and reducing the amount of bottles and cans which are frequently used on campus is a key component of this initiative. The present status of these practices is evaluated in this report.

The Monitoring Committee saw that the majority of the beverages that are dispensed by vending machines are still in aluminium cans and plastic bottles. It was discovered that about 30% of the drinks available in vending machines were packaged in single-use containers. Reusable containers were provided in dining areas, while single-use bottles and cans were still often seen. Beverages in cans and bottles are consumed in quite large quantities, particularly during prime meal hours.

It was also observed by the committee that a large number of employees and students stated that they preferred the convenience of canned and bottled drinks. Disposable container use was prevalent due to a lack of awareness and incentive to transition to reusable alternatives. In response to these observations Landmark University SDG 12 team has conducted awareness campaigns to educate the campus community about the environmental impact of disposable containers and promote sustainable practices. The usage of bottled water has decreased as a result of certain students and employees adopting the practice of reusable water bottles. One of the biggest obstacles to encouraging the use of reusable alternatives is the ease of use of disposable containers. The inclination towards bottled water can be attributed to restricted availability of water refill stations.

Lots of the undergraduate population is still ignorant about the effects that disposable containers have on the environment, even in spite of awareness programmes to this quarterly awareness is recommended.

The following action points are recommended:

  1. Increasing Water Refill Station Accessibility: It is recommended that the University build additional water refill stations throughout the campus in order to promote the use of reusable water bottles.
  2. Strengthen Awareness efforts: Keep up and improve awareness efforts aimed at informing the campus community about the negative environmental effects of single-use plastics and the advantages of converting to reusable ones.
  3. Introduce Incentives: To encourage behavioural shifts, offer incentives like discounts or prizes for using reusable containers.

In conclusion, while recycling facilities and awareness-raising campaigns have advanced at Landmark University, issues with convenience and awareness still exist. By adopting the report’s recommendations into practise, the university may further reduce the amount of bottles and cans used on campus, helping to create a more environmentally friendly atmosphere.

Thank you


Dr. Olaniran Abiola F

SDG-12 Team lead

Department of Food Science and Nutrition