Landmark University Ethical Sourcing Action Plan

Landmark University Ethical Sourcing Action Plan

Action plan Statement: Landmark University is dedicated to using ethical sourcing techniques to make sure that the goods and services we buy are acquired in a way that respects ethical, social, and environmental norms. Our commitment to ethical sourcing is outlined in this action plan, along with the guiding principles that direct our procurement procedures.

1. Adherence to Applicable Laws and Regulations: Landmark University is committed to respecting all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws and rules pertaining to procurement and sourcing practices.

2. Ethical Standards:  The institution will source in accordance with moral and ethical principles, such as respect for human rights, labour rights, and fair business practices, among others. The appointed committee members shall refrain from conducting business with vendors or suppliers who participate in human rights violations, such as forced labour, child labour, discrimination, and hazardous working conditions.

3. Environmental Responsibilities: Products and suppliers that exhibit a dedication to resource conservation, sustainability, and responsible use of the environment will be given preference by Landmark University. When making buying decisions, Eco friendly suppliers will take into account variables like waste minimization, energy efficiency, and sustainable sourcing.

4. Equitable and Open Sourcing: The university shall make ascertain that our procurement procedures are transparent, competitive, and open, giving all qualified suppliers an equal chance to take part in our procurement operations. Also will steer clear of conflicts of interest and base our decisions on impartial standards.

5. Social Responsibility: the University aims to collaborate with vendors who facilitate community growth, participate in charitable endeavours, and make constructive contributions to the community. This is carried out by encouraging diversity and inclusion, boosting local economies, and giving back to the community, we will push suppliers to maintain social responsibility. Our goal is to continuously evaluate and enhance our ethical sourcing procedures, collaborating with suppliers to resolve problematic areas and advocating for the finest ethical sourcing practices.

6. Quality and Safety:  When it comes to our sourcing operations

  • Landmark University will give quality and safety first priority. Suppliers and goods that either match or surpass recognized safety and quality requirements will be chosen by us. 
  • Records of ethical considerations and sourcing decisions will be kept by Landmark University. It guarantees to routinely update on the progress and to be open and responsible about our attempts to source ethically.
  • This action plan and the fundamentals of ethical sourcing shall be covered in training for all staff members engaged in procurement and sourcing operations.

7. Supplier Code of Conduct: In accordance with our standards for moral and responsible business conduct, Landmark University may demand that suppliers abide by a Supplier Code of Conduct.

This action plan will be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure it still adheres to the latest standards, laws, and industry guidelines. In keeping with our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, Landmark University is committed to ethical and responsible sourcing practices. We think that by upholding these values, we make the world a better place and serve as an inspiration to our neighborhood and the larger industry.

Effective Date: February 15, 2023 to February 20, 2025 Review Date: February 19, 2025


Categories: Action Plan