Action plan Statement

Landmark University is dedicated to reducing waste and encouraging sustainable practises in our supply chain as well as on campus. Our commitment to ensuring that our suppliers, including those who provide equipment, stationary, and building contract services, abide by our minimization rules and uphold a high degree of environmental stewardship is outlined in our Supplier Minimization and Compliance Action plan.

  1. Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers 

In addition to price and quality, Landmark University will evaluate and choose suppliers based on their dedication to sustainability, environmental responsibility, and minimization techniques.

We will assess and rank suppliers according to how well they follow ethical, ecological, and waste-reduction guidelines.

  1. Ethical and Environmental criteria
  1. Fair business practises, human rights, and labour rights are among the ethical criteria that suppliers must follow.
  2. Suppliers must adhere to all relevant environmental laws, rules, and guidelines, with a focus on waste minimization, energy efficiency, and responsible resource use.
  3. Recycling and Minimization
  1. In their manufacturing processes and the products they provide to the university, suppliers are urged to reduce waste and encourage recycling.
  2. Packaging materials are to be kept to a minimum; reusable or recyclable packaging is advised.
  3. Supply Chain Responsibility 
  1. In order to promote ethical behaviour throughout the whole supply chain, Landmark University encourages its suppliers to apply these minimization principles and ethical standards to their own suppliers as well.
  2. Information regarding the ethical and environmental policies of their own suppliers will be encouraged from suppliers.
  3. Landmark University will collaborate with vendors to offer instruction and direction on responsible sourcing and minimization techniques.
  4. Transparency, Reporting and Compliance inspections
  1. Suppliers will have to submit periodic reports detailing their ethical and environmental policies as well as their advancements in waste reduction.
  2. Continuous Improvement: To find chances for ongoing sustainability and minimization practises across the supply chain, Landmark University and its suppliers will work together.
  3. Audits shall be done to make sure that suppliers are abiding by this action plan, Landmark University maintains the right to carry out audits and compliance inspections.
  4. Suppliers who are discovered to be in breach of this action plan may face corrective measures, which may include ending the business relationship.
  5. Periodic review of this action plan will be done on annual basis to make sure it is in line with evolving standards, laws, and industry best practices.

Landmark University extends its belief in a cooperative approach to reduction and sustainability to our vendors. We contribute to a more ecologically conscious and sustainable future by encouraging a culture of waste reduction and ethical sourcing throughout our supply chain.

Prepared by Dr. Olaniran Abiola (SDG-12 Team Lead)

Effective March 16, 2023 to March Approved by

DLUCRID                                                                                    Vice-Chancellor 

Categories: Action Plan