The University conducted the study titled “Strengthening Farmers-Led Innovation for Transition to Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) in Nigeria” in selected nine farming communities in Kwara State. The target population for this study are youths, women and smallholder farmers in the state. This study entails researchers working with the extension systems and farmers organizations in a modified Training & Visit (T&V) extension system to do CSA experimentation using the Farmers’ Field and Business School (FFBS) approach. In this pursuit, nine demo plots (about 0.25ha) were established on the lead farmers’ farms at Omu-Aran, Oko, and Eleyin Agricultural blocks for the field trials as well as practical demonstration and dissemination of improved technologies. The Training of Trainers’ (ToT) approach was used to train 16 Extension Agents (Plates 1 – 2) who later stepped down the training of the Climate-Smart Agriculture modules to the farmers across the Agricultural Blocks. Overall, 150 farmers were trained during the FFBS sessions across the nine demo-plots and Plate 3 shows a cross-section of participants during one of such FFBS session in Omu-Aran. The training modules (Plate 4 – 6) include meaning, causes, and impact of climate change, introduction to CSA, introduction to conservation agriculture, implementing conservation agriculture, soil fertility management, among others.

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Plate 1. Participants at the Training of Trainers held in Kwara State Agricultural Development Office 
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Plate 2. Cross-section of participants during the ToT session in KWADP Hall
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Plate 3. Cross-section of participants during the FFBS training
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Plate 4: Samples of the conservation agriculture modules
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Plate 5: Samples of the crop rotation and pest control modules
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Plate 6: Samples of the soil fertility modules