Public outreach to sensitize the energy users in the Omu-Aran community was organized by the College of Engineering with the focus on two SDGs mandate; clean and affordable energy as well as sustainable cities, and with the support of NSE Omuaran Branch. The theme of the public outreach was “Energy saving measures: Make a Big Difference”
The College of Engineering team and SDG 7 members were mobilized before June 23, 2022. The participants met in front of the old college building before taking off. Out of all items approved for the outreach, only the following were eventually provided by Landmark University for the campaign program;
I. 300 copies of a campaign flyer
II. 50 energy-saving bulbs
The proposed venue cost #50,000 but since our budget could not accommodate it, we were graciously granted the Local Government Chamber which was equally adequate. NSE Omuaran must be commended for this bail out.
We recorded impressive turnout despite failure of CSIS to provide Public Address system as captured in the budget and also last minute disappointment of Transport office to provide transportation. College of Engineering and SDG 7 members arrived at the venue at 12:42 am and fully kitted in farm overall.This stood us out distinctly.
Before the commencement of the programme, the organizers went into the community to carry out sensitization; enlighten people, and distributed campaign flyers to people in their shops as well as at homes. The event started at 1:15 pm with an opening prayer by Engr. Dr. Okoji. The audience comprised the local government staff, College of Engineering staff, Youth corps members, and people from the community. Engr Abioye of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystem directed the order of the programme. The opening remark was delivered by the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Ojediran who lauded the commitment of the management to make a meaningful impact on the Omu-Aran community. He
emphasized the benefits of the energy-saving measures and further charged the audience to take responsibility in taking action to minimize energy usage.
Following the Dean’s opening remark and the first presentation, the NSE President Omu-Aran chapter delivered the second talk. He reeled out some of the action steps the audience could take to manage their energy usage thereby preventing overbilling. He further explained how electricity generated was being distributed and the need to efficiently use it.
The third presentation was delivered by Engr Adedayo of the Department of Electrical and Electronics. He thanked the proprietor base and the management of Landmark University for this rare opportunity to enlighten the community on the practices to cut energy usage. He emphasized the unplugging of electrical gadgets and electronics when not in use and he concluded by giving the audience the tips to avoid overloading the energy grids.
The fourth presentation was delivered by Dr. A. O. Falowo of the Department of Chemical Engineering. In his address, he outlined the goals and targets of SDG 7 as well as the importance of the action steps of SDG 7 on the environment and the community. He further sensitized the audience on the use of energy-saving bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs, and the use of energy-saving appliances instead of energy-draining appliances.
After the fourth presentation, there was an interactive session where participants were allowed to ask questions and seek clarification. The speakers responded to their questions.
Thereafter free energy-saving bulbs were distributed to the audience as a token to demonstrate the commitment of the Landmark University to the wellbeing of Omuaran community.
In the absence of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Ojediran on account of an urgent meeting with the Chancellor, a closing remark was delivered by the team lead for SDG 7, Dr. Falowo. A group photograph was taken at the end of the event, and the closing prayer was said by a member of the audience. The programme ended at 2.34 pm. Video clips and photographs have been forwarded to DLUCRID.
All glory to God for a successful outing despite several last minute disappointments. The College in conjunction with SDG 7 wishes to place on record the immense support and executive approval by the Vice-Chancellor which culminated in the success of this Campaign. God bless you Ma.
Some critical observation.
1. After budget was drastically scaled down, approval for release of funds only got to Accounts 3 weeks after execution of the project. I have insisted that the fund be returned back to the treasury since we do not need it anymore.
2. When units have been saddled with responsibilities as approved by the Vice Chancellor and duly followed up, there should be no reason for non performance on the D-day, thereby plunging organizers into confusion. I used my car and other staff vehicles to be conveying people while sourcing for alternative PA system, Generator and Venue. It was quite stressful.
3. As at the time this Campaign was being planned, nobody envisaged the visit of the Chancellor, but to call off such an important Community Impact Initiative especially when people were already gathered, would have presented Landmark in bad light. Though I eventually had to leave the programme for other team members to continue, this altered the initial elaborate plan. We appeal that for any such official assignment that has received Management blessing and approval, apologies can be tendered on our behalf to the Chancellor who definitely understand.
Ojediran, J.O.
For the team.